World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Reputation Guide

As the economic landscape of Azeroth continues to evolve, you’ll find that mastering the subtleties of the Azeroth Commerce Authority’s reputation system is a journey that’s as rewarding as it is necessary. You’re not just playing a game; you’re investing your time in a complex economy that mirrors the real world’s supply and demand. This…


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As the economic landscape of Azeroth continues to evolve, you’ll find that mastering the subtleties of the Azeroth Commerce Authority’s reputation system is a journey that’s as rewarding as it is necessary.

You’re not just playing a game; you’re investing your time in a complex economy that mirrors the real world’s supply and demand.

This guide will serve as your compass, pointing you towards the actions that will earn you reputation points efficiently.

You’ll learn to recognize which quests will line your pockets with gold and which crafting trades will significantly boost your standing.

While the path to prosperity is laden with challenges, you’re equipped to face them head-on, and you’ll find that reaching Exalted status with the ACA isn’t just a testament to your dedication—it’s a gateway to opportunities that few adventurers will ever grasp.

Stay with me, and soon you’ll understand the secrets that can turn your hard-earned reputation into a source of immense power and wealth within the world of Azeroth.

Understanding Commerce Authority

To effectively navigate the intricacies of Azeroth Commerce Authority, it’s essential to understand their role in the world’s economy and how your interactions can impact your reputation with this powerful faction.

As you journey through Azeroth, you’ll encounter Waylaid Supplies, which you can deliver to ACA Representatives in major cities like Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus. Turning in these supplies not only earns you a bit of silver and experience but also boosts your standing with the ACA.

You’re not just a courier, though. You have the option to enhance these supply shipments with additional goods, significantly increasing the reputation reward. But remember, once you hit Friendly status, those Level 10 Waylaid Supplies won’t do much for your reputation anymore. So keep your eyes peeled for chests; they’re your best bet for finding more supplies.

The ACA’s network isn’t perfect—there’s ongoing tension with Durotar Supply and Logistics, and they’ve recently pulled the Pattern: Phoenix Bindings from their vendor due to a glitch. As you engage with the ACA, you’ll find that not all supplies are created equal, and some won’t contribute to your reputation past a certain point.

But persevere, and you could earn the right to purchase exclusive items like a 12-slot bag once you’re Honored.

Earning Reputation Points

Racking up reputation points with the Azeroth Commerce Authority hinges on your ability to collect and deliver Waylaid Supplies effectively. These quest items drop from mobs level 6 and above all over Azeroth. Once you’ve gathered them, deliver them to an ACA representative in major cities like Stormwind or Ironforge for silver, experience, and those crucial reputation points.

To boost your rep gains, top off supply shipments with missing goods—they’ll thank you with even greater rewards.

Keep in mind, once you hit Friendly status with the ACA, those Level 10 Waylaid Supplies won’t nudge your reputation further. It’s a good idea to loot chests for a higher chance of finding supplies.

Now, some players are grumbling about the unique and soulbound nature of these supplies, calling it a drag, and after reaching Friendly, they’ve noticed additional turn-ins don’t yield reputation. Is this by design? Possibly, but stay on your toes.

Reputation Milestones and Rewards

As you progress through the challenge of collecting and delivering Waylaid Supplies, hitting reputation milestones with the Azeroth Commerce Authority unlocks a variety of rewards. When you reach Friendly status, you’ll find that level 10 Waylaid Supplies no longer contribute to your reputation gains, so keep an eye out for higher-level crates.

Upon attaining Honored, a 12-slot bag becomes available for purchase, offering you much-needed extra inventory space. Remember, humans enjoy a 10% increase in reputation gains due to their racial trait, so if that’s your character’s race, you’ll reach these milestones a bit quicker.

Reaching higher reputation tiers might feel like a grind, but it’s essential for unlocking certain perks. Some players have voiced concerns about the design, particularly the unique and soulbound nature of supplies, but the benefits at higher levels can be significant. For instance, certain runes previously locked behind higher reputations are now more accessible, though the exact requirements have shifted in the Season of Discovery.

Stay diligent in your efforts. While the path to exalted status with the Azeroth Commerce Authority may seem daunting, the rewards are tailored to smooth your journey through Azeroth and enhance your overall gameplay experience.

Effective Questing Strategies

Maximizing your efforts in collecting Waylaid Supplies requires a strategic approach to questing, ensuring you gain the most reputation with the least amount of time invested. Prioritize killing mobs of level 6 and above as they drop these coveted items. Remember, these supplies are your ticket to a higher standing with the Azeroth Commerce Authority. Don’t forget to loot chests; they’re your best bet for snagging supplies quickly.

When you’ve gathered your supplies, head to the ACA Representatives in Stormwind, Ironforge, or Darnassus for turn-in. Keep an eye out for opportunities to supplement these shipments with additional goods—they’ll boost your reputation gain significantly. However, once you hit Friendly, level 10 Waylaid Supplies won’t contribute to your rep, so focus your energy elsewhere.

Human players, you’re in luck—the 10% reputation increase you enjoy can make a noticeable difference. For everyone else, consider teaming up with a Human player to benefit from their racial trait. Don’t waste time on redundant turn-ins after reaching Friendly; instead, look for higher-value crates or quests that continue to offer reputation points.

Stay efficient, stay focused, and you’ll soon enjoy the rewards of your hard-earned reputation.

Trading and Crafting for Profit

In the bustling markets of Azeroth, mastering the art of trading and crafting can turn a tidy profit for savvy adventurers. As you delve into the world of commerce, remember that each item you craft or trade can affect your standing with the Azeroth Commerce Authority. Focus on items that are in high demand, like consumables for raids or rare materials.

Crafting valuable goods often requires patterns and recipes, which you might obtain from various vendors. Keep an eye out for the Pattern: Phoenix Bindings or similar high-value recipes, despite their temporary unavailability. When crafting, consider the reputation benefits of adding missing goods to Waylaid Supplies shipments. It’s a smart move that yields greater rewards.

Remember, not all supplies are created equal. After reaching a Friendly reputation level, standard Waylaid Supplies cease to provide reputation points, so prioritize your crafting and trading efforts accordingly. If you’re playing a Human character, leverage your racial trait for that extra 10% reputation gain.

Lastly, stay informed about the latest changes, such as the updated Reputation requirements for Runes in the Season of Discovery. By keeping these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to becoming a prosperous trader and crafter in Azeroth.


Now you’re sailing the Azerothian sea of commerce, your ship laden with treasures of reputation. Each Waylaid Supply chest you’ve plundered is a golden fish netted from the depths, drawing you ever closer to the illustrious Honored status.

Wear your achievements like a captain’s hat, knowing that with each strategic trade and quest, you’re not just playing a game—you’re charting a course to prosperity in the rich waters of World of Warcraft’s Season of Discovery.

Anchors aweigh!

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